Prayer time - The Limitless Reality of God

Step into the limitless reality of our great and mighty God through prayer. 

I see you!

New Life Community Church Frisco, TX

Corporate Prayer time at New Life Community Church. Amen.

Pray with me.

Dominion of Our Lord Jesus Christ: prayer and worship 

Prayers over Dangerous Neighborhoods 

Take back your neighborhood, city, state and nation. Join me in praying over your neighborhood. As light in the midst of darkness, God is calling us into a deeper purpose to take back territories from the enemy. Everywhere you are located, by the power of Holy Spirit, you can recover. 

Prayers for Children and Youths

Prayers for Children and young people. Prayers for intercession and warfare. With all that is going on in our world, we ought to pray for our children and youths in our society.

Prayers of Protection against Wickedness and Evil

Praying over your neighborhood, city, state and nation. Prayers of intercession and warfare

Praying for your State

Wherever you may be located

Intercession prayers

Prayer session


Prayer for State Officials

•The Executive branch
•The Legislative Branch
•The Judicial Branch
•The Law Enforcement agents
•The Inhabitants of this state of Texas

Pray for Spiritual Boldness

•The devil hates the name of Jesus Christ
•The power of Christ is with us – Revelation 12:10
•Remind Satan of his imminent future – Revelation 20:10
•Pray that the inhabitants will rise up with boldness – Acts 45:23 

Prayer over dangerous Neighborhoods

•Pray for those living in dangerous neighborhoods
•Pray that the Lord will send his warring angels to curb the crimes and killings in those neighborhoods
•Pray that the Lord will remove the violence, plundering, and oppression from these neighborhoods
•Pray that the Lord will execute judgment and justice regarding this matter
•Pray that the Lord will take away robbery and cheating from among them – Ezekiel 45:9
•Pray for repentance in the hearts of the people in these neighborhoods, and the realization of all that Jesus Christ came to accomplish for humanity in bringing release to the captives; and deliverance to those that are oppressed, downtrodden, bruised, crushed, and broken down by calamity; and proclaiming the acceptable year of the Lord, and the day when salvation abounds – Luke 4:18-19

Prayer for our Sons

•Pray for our sons all over our land. The Lord promised that our children shall be delivered - Proverbs 11:21
•Plead the blood of Jesus Christ over the doorpost of your house and over your children
•Pray that the Lord will keep your children safe when they go out and when they come in
•Pray that the spirit of death will pass over your sons because of the blood of Jesus Christ – Exodus 12:1-30
•Bind the spirit of wandering and restlessness and stupor from the lives of your sons
•Pray that the Lord will release His angels with two-edged swords of fire to stand guard over your sons

Prayer for Spiritual Leaders

•Pray for boldness and a fearless spirit for pastors and spiritual leaders in your state – Proverbs 28:1; Matthew 10:16
•Bind the spirit of compromise, fear, and worldliness form their lives
•Pray that the Lord will cleanse our pulpits and the hearts of those who minister the word of God and profess His Holy name
•Pray that the Lord will cleanse the body of Christ from all filth of ungodliness, unfaithfulness, worldliness, compromise, adultery, fornication, evil acts, lies, and lukewarm attitude – Revelation 3:16
•Pray that the Lord will raise up his mighty army – a godly army of warriors, fearless army, and a bold army, who will declare righteous decree over the nations and not compromise the truth of God’s Word
•Pray that the Lord will equip His people with greatness and empower them with signs and wonders following.

Destruction of Evil Altars

•Pray that The Lord will thrust out the enemy from amongst us – Deuteronomy 33:27
•Pray that the Lord will destroy the alter of witchcraft and idol worship in our midst
•Pray for Divine protection over us – Psalm 91
•Ask God to keep His people safe and secure from evil and secret plans of those plotting to kill us – John 16:24
•Pray that your state shall be filled with the knowledge of God - Habakkuk 2:14
•Saturate the spiritual atmosphere of your state with the blood of Jesus Christ
•Pray that the glory of the Lord will fill your state as waters cover the sea – Habakkuk 2:14

Prayer for Spiritual Workers

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more workers to the harvest field – Matthew 9:35-38

Pray for Protection against Wickedness and Evil

•Pray that the Lord will expose wickedness in our communities •Pray for Signs and Wonders in our midst – Acts 4:28-30
•The Lord is our Helper; we will not fear man – Hebrews 13:6
•As Christians, we are not afraid to die – 2 Corinthians 5:8-9
•We are moving forward, bold as lions and gentle as doves – Proverbs 28:1; Matthew 20:16

There is no God like our God

Father, I bless your name; you are God Almighty; You are great and greatly to be praised. There is no God like You. You are to be feared above all gods. For all other gods are idols: but the Lord made the heavens. Glory and honor are in his presence; strength and gladness are in his place - 1 Chronicles 16:25-27.

These idols are the work of men’s hands - Psalm 115:4.

They cannot see, they cannot hear, they cannot speak, and they are rubble and rubbish, and are nothing before our Great and Mighty God. You Oh Lord are the essence of existence. You created the heavens and the earth - Genesis 1:1.

Father, you created all things and brought out their host by number: you call them all by names by the greatness of your might; you are strong in power and might - Isaiah 40:26.

You Oh Lord God - The Eternal One, made the starry skies, and stretched them tight above and around; you cast the shimmering globe of earth and filled it with life; you give breath and animates the people; you walk and talk with life-giving spirit. You are the Eternal One. By righteousness you have called your people. You will take us by the hand and keep us safe. Your people are a light for the nations, a shining beacon to the world - Isaiah 42:5-6.


May the Glory of the Lord, rise upon us.
I declare the purposes of God on this earth to manifest.
I declare that the Glory of the Lord is risen upon the earth.
Lord let your glory rise up over the nations.
Arise Oh God, I declare your Glory over the nations.
I declare revival over the nations.
I declare salvation over the nations.
Arise! Arise! Arise! Oh God, rain down your salvation upon the earth.
Let the Glory of the Lord fill the nations, let it cover the earth.
Let your righteousness O Lord cover the earth.
Baptize us afresh O LORD, with your fresh baptism of fire.
Father, begin to fill the earth with the knowledge of the Glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea - Habakkuk 2:14.

Lord, give your people, a new heart and a new spirit. Give us a heart of compassion and a heart of flesh – a receptive and pliable heart; take away from us a stony heart of unbelief, stubbornness, faithlessness, anger, unforgiveness, wickedness, and fear - Ezekiel 36:26

Dominion of our Lord Jesus Christ

Father, you are the ancient of days; dominion and glory belong to you. Your dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and your kingdom shall not be destroyed. You reign from the beginning, and you are still in control. You sent your Son Jesus Christ whom you appointed heir of all things, and by whom also you made the worlds. He is the brightness of your glory, and the express image of your person, upholding all things by the word of his power. He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name - Daniel 7:13, 14; Hebrews 1:2-4.

You have given Him a name above all names; and at the mention of that name, every knee will bow, in heaven, on earth, and below. And every tongue will confess “Jesus, the Anointed One, is Lord,” to the glory of God our Father, Amen! - Philippians 2:9-11

The Priestly Blessing

The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you; the LORD turn his face toward you, and give you peace – Shalom in Jesus name, amen!
Numbers 6:24-26

POP Talk Radio · How our Words Affect Our Children - 3:24:21, 7.34 PM